
发布时间:2024-04-25   来源:网络   阅读:2120



Strategic literature of the great powers —— Prophecy of World War III science fiction


《 tomorrow 》


—— Author: DaoDoctor


Today is August 11,2019, I just returned from Tibet pilgrimage, felt extremely weak, then lay in bed, only feel uncomfortable, in a trance, as if my soul floated out of my body, like a balloon in the air. At this time, my soul suddenly has the super ability, let me see the scene of tomorrow is very clear image.


An elder with a white beard sat at a stone table, filled with a pot of old wine and two cups. The old man waved his hand to me and said: " The young man come quickly, we have a destiny to meet here, why not drink a cup?”


I feel I suddenly sat at the stone table, very polite greetings to the old man: " Hello?"The old man picked up the pot and poured wine into the cup:" The pot is big, the sun and the moon in the cup. When the imperial court was corrupt, the world naturally died down."Come to young people, wise worry about the country don't forget health, drink first.


I accompanied the old man to drink a cup, before I ask, the old man has his heart, first put my heart thought out.


You have never understood the concept of China, but the state of the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China. Let's tell the story clearly while drinking today.


This is the consensus of the world. Is there the Republic of China or the People's Republic of China? After the founding of the Republic of China, the Communist Party first established the Chinese Soviet Republic of China on the Republic of China territory, and was later peacefully unified by the Republic of China. The Communist Party and the Kuomintang fought for the world to fight the civil war. the second time did not change the name, or China, Chairman MAO said this is new China. The original Republic of China was the old China. And only recognized the history of the Republic of China until 1949 after its founding, while the United Nations recognized the history of the Republic of China until 1971 when the New China joined the United Nations as the heir to old China. In fact, the Republic of China retreated to Taiwan after the failure of the two parties, and the brand of the Republic of China government has been hung in Taiwan to this day.


The new China has made a promise to the old China: one country, two systems. It is to allow Taiwan to retain the existing system of democracy and freedom, and Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong, like Hong Kong, and Taiwan governs Taiwan itself. As long as Taiwan is not independent and divided like the Mongols, and still bears the brand of the Republic of China, it is the same China, the Chinese do not fight the Chinese, the Chinese nation will not kill each other, maintain peace between the two sides, and one China and two systems coexist. Partisanship should not be resolved by force, and the gentleman should not talk. Have something to say, everyone sit down and talk.


What is unity? The recovery of lost territory is called unification for the recovery of the territory that has been divided and established independently. For example, when the Mongolia are divided and independent, the recovery of Mongolia is called unification. Taiwan has no independence or division. Why does it have to fight civil war on the pretext of reunification? The same China, the Chinese nation is not the ancient inherited bad nature decided ah? Please understand the people to explain clearly, the promise of one country, two systems, now is not a one country, two systems?



(one) To be continued, please look forward to it


It is another matter to cure the country and to govern the country. But the prescription has to be prescribed, worthy of the world.


To do more medicine is to really save the lives of the world, and delaying the war will save the lives of countless young soldiers. As long as the heart for the world people, the heart to the Buddha know on the line. The doctor and traditional Chinese medicine look, smell, ask and cut, with the overall concept and system theory as the guiding ideology, with observation, smell, ask and dialectical treatment, first find out the cause of the disease, and then symptomatic conditioning rehabilitation treatment. Taoist medicine is just one more divine thought than Chinese medicine, called the treatment of both shape and god, Chinese medicine is called both symptoms and root causes.


The old man also told the principle of the use of nuclear weapons is to attack the first, then suffer. Nuclear weapons must be used first. Because not the first use can only be a step ahead of the death. But this is all later, and now you can replace the young soldiers that you care about and ask for a sign, hahaha...


I do not know when, a sign tube appeared on the stone table, the old man let me can draw a sign for the war between the two sides. So I was very devout took the tube out a bamboo stick: six out of Qishan.


I was at a loss to ask the old man, old master you see these six out of Qishan is what meaning?


The old man laughed and said: this Lu Zu god sign is not false, Chairman MAO once said: philosophy also explain not clear things, sign is one of them.


Chairman Chiang once asked for a sign in the Luofu Mountain crisp mash view: win from Sichuan, lose from the bay.


This is Lv Zu god signed the 76th sign xinsi in the draw.


Signing the poem is like this: the water, glory has gone, if a pass, unless again, should not go ahead, when the defensive. The explanation of this sign is: fate has no ability, auspicious also have fierce. Everything should not be entered before, work at the opportunity, do not persist to do, maintain the status quo is the best, otherwise only defeated. This sign means not to fight the civil war, or it will be defeated.


I nodded thoughtfully in recognition. The old man then said a few words: " the heart is a steelyard, one or two clear. Do not speak in the mouth, the psychological imbalance.


The old man continued: " Old Chiang launched a civil war to hurt the people. The hearts of the people is not deceiving, failure and daydreaming.”


Finally, the old man drank the cup of wine, very confident said to me: " Kongming is not out of the house, three parts of the world. Poverty has a strategy, only in the defense will win."The young people remember that force will never conquer the heart, remember the following two facts. Human cancer cannot work, government corruption cannot fight war. Because before the war was over, he was unable to support it.  


Hearing this, I began to gradually understand that, no matter when, the beginning of the civil war will have the upper hand, to the end of the civil war will not only lose the people will also lose the heart of the army, no matter how advanced weapons also need people to use. If a soldier loses confidence, even if armed to the teeth, he will suffer heavy losses in street fighting. If you think of in case wounded and captured back to have no good fruit to eat, is the meat steamed stuffed bun to beat the dog have no return, out of ammunition and food, there will be the initiative to surrender, killed no longer go back. The island has learned what the great powers fought the civil war, and will begin to organize the liberation soldiers. First eat and drink well, and give a resettlement fee.

  老者这时候问我 还记得渔蚌相争渔翁得利的故事吗?我回答说还有一点点印象,并不是太清楚。 于是老者就又为我讲述了一遍鹬蚌相争渔翁得利的故事: 一只蚌正张开两壳晒太阳,鹬鸟飞过来,伸出长长的嘴巴来啄⾷它的⾁。蚌一下⼦合住双壳,把鹬鸟的嘴紧紧地夹住了。

The old man asked me at this time still remember the story? I replied that there was still a little impression, not too clear. So the old man told me the story of the struggle between the snipe and the fisherman: a clam was spreading its two shells in the sun, and the snipe flew over and stretched out its long mouth to peck at its meat. The clam suddenly closed the double shell and clamped the snipe's mouth tightly.


The snipe said to the clam, " If it does not rain today, or tomorrow, it will kill you to death!"


The clam said to the snipe, " Without you today, or you tomorrow, you will starve to death!"


It two do not let in, neither refused to let who. At this time, an old fishing man came over and caught them all away.


During the Warring States Period, the State of Zhao was preparing to attack Yan. In order to avoid the war, Yan appointed Su Qin, a famous strategist, to the state of Zhao to dissuade the king of Zhao. When he arrived at Handan, the capital of the state of Zhao, Su Qin requested a visit to King Huiwen of Zhao. King Huiwen of Zhao had long received a letter, knowing that Su Qin was a lobbyist sent by the state of Yan, but he still pretended not to know anything, asking, " Oh, Su Qin, what wind blew you from Yan to the state of Zhao?"Su Qin worshipped and said:" Lord, let your minister tell you a story first, you will know my intention."King Huiwen of Zhao smiled, waved and asked Su Qin to continue."Sir, I came here by the Yishui River and saw a clam basking in the sun by the water. Then a snipe bird came and wanted to eat the meat of the clam. The clam quickly closed the shell and caught the snipe's mouth. The snipe wants the clam to let go and says, 'It won't rain these days. You will be dried to death!'Not to be outdone, the clam said:' I never let go, you will starve to death!'In this way, neither of them would give up first, and remained deadlocked. Then a fisherman suddenly came over and took them both away."After telling the story, Su Qin began to persuade King Huiwen of Zhao:" This is 'with the third and the clam, the fisherman benefit' ah! If the state of Zhao and Yan fight now, is it just like the snipe and clam in the story? The state of Qin is the fisherman. With the states of Zhao and Yan, the state of Qin will only profit. So the king must think twice ah!"King Huiwen of Zhao finally gave up the idea of attacking the state of Yan.


Ancient emperors still can understand the fable, today more don't I the old man remind, the in the mind nature is very clear their government has lost for corruption, a civil war not only alleviate internal contradictions, but let life, while you are ill to your life, open in the plan, occupy the three northeastern provinces. A corrupt government has lost the hearts of the people, no matter how strong the military is, it can not stand the mantis, even if you can fight in the northeast, southwest and northwest at the same time, you still have the power to fight four lines at the same time? Because people is day, lost people, a civil war is rebellious, because you start a civil war is not serving the people, you put the world life, at any cost is at how many people also want to achieve your goal, but you forget now is the network age, people have no longer be fooled by you go to die.


Peace peace without civil war, and the result of a civil war is that a corrupt government can last two or three years at most. In 2028, if a war breaks out, it is easy to trigger a world war, and this civilization will end, realizing primitive communism and slash-and-burn equality.


"With hundreds of millions of soldiers in the chest, and strategizing. It is next in the East China Sea, thousands of victory.”


I just finished writing these words, Dai boss came to my home and brought me a bottle of good wine, I know I usually love to drink a mouthful, but the wine capacity is not too big, so almost every time, Dai boss will bring me a bottle of good wine. We went to the canteen to get two small dishes, sat down to drink and chat slowly.


"Did you watch the TV yet?"Boss Dai asked me," I have free time to watch the news.”


"The situation in the South China Sea is a little tight. How do you think that tomorrow we will break into five other aircraft carrier strike groups in the South China Sea?"Boss Dai is still concerned about the changing situation in the South China Sea. I drank slowly, instead of directly answering my old friend's question, but asked Dai, " You are from the Strategic Research Institute. Don't you have to make a theory before the general staff makes a battle plan? Can you tell me about your opinion first? I'll hear it later.”


Dai added, " This time, the multinational naval fleet and half of its aircraft carrier strike groups are coming into China's courtyard. There is a danger of a nuclear war at any time. And our southeast coastal cities are densely populated, but once a nuclear war broke out, the casualties will be very heavy. I am not here to talk to you this time, but I want to hear if you have the current good cure?”


"Ha ha ha, I am not a big doctor, strictly speaking, I don't even call the doctor. Diabetes is still declared incurable by western medicine, so that patients feel great psychological pressure, plus scare patients to take ineffective western medicine for life, it is strange not to treat patients with minor diseases into a serious disease. If patients know that diabetes does not take western medicine and hypoglycemic drugs, they will gradually recover, they will reduce psychological pressure and actively cooperate with TCM rehabilitation treatment, and the results will gradually recuperate. The same is true of the South China Sea issue.”



"Come, come, come, come come, drink."Dai boss gave me a cup of wine, full of interest to listen to me talk about how to analyze the South China Sea" disease ". I began to talk to boss Dai about the "shape and spirit of medicine".


"The doctor speaks shape and god, the human body disease has real deficiency, long deficiency will have deficiency disease, and for the treatment of deficiency disease is taboo injection and medicine, if you do not understand this reason will be more and more deficiency, damage to human health, serious people will even endanger life. The treatment of deficiency disease needs to use the method of treating deficiency disease, the first thing to deal with the deficiency disease and then to treat the real disease part, the serious disease can be treated.”


Boss Dai asked me: " Now the South China Sea issue means that there is also a false disease?", I said:" you really say right, if you can not distinguish the real disease deficiency disease, only a brain according to the real disease to treat, you know injection injection take medicine take medicine, must treat the disease.”


"Ha ha, what do you call the real problem of the South China Sea issue? What is a virtual disease?"Boss Dai asked, staring at me.


"The south China sea issue, to pulse like clear: first, in the past due to China's national strength, the south China sea by Vietnam and the Philippines, and claim all islands in the south China sea, and power the national strength weak no military strength back, can only endure, give up dispute cooperation development of the south China sea resources. This is one of the root causes. Second, now the beautiful country for the dollar status to organize the multinational coalition with the great power and Russia at the same time, and this war is also the last war of the beautiful country, won, forever dominate the world, defeated, the beautiful country disintegrated. The beautiful country from the earth on s other side to the South China Sea, and with a large help of soldiers, this is a false disease. And for the deficiency disease is not to be like the real disease can even can be operated on, deficiency disease to deal with the deficiency disease method, not hard. The South China Sea will be quiet, and will not fly out.”


Boss Dai stood up and picked up the glass: " First dry this cup, and then listen to the doctor how to regulate the deficiency disease of the South China Sea problem."A dry, I also dry a cup of wine, at this time I have felt some hot ears, wine strength up, I made a cup of tea, let's rest for a while, drink some tea. Then Lao how to regulate the empty disease of the South China Sea problem.


Almost Lao an afternoon, dai boss listened to elated, dai boss very seriously said to me that although he learned a lot of things, but never contact with the corridor doctor this line of people, before he thought no matter what doctor, is not to cure a disease? Today is to understand why the ancients said the great healing of the country. I told Dai that as long as the CMC agrees to this plan, the South China Sea issue will not only be resolved in a timely manner, but also solve the issues left over from history in one time, completely recovering the territorial waters and sovereignty of the South China Sea.



The next day, Meili's aircraft carrier strike group did not appear in the South China Sea. The beans burn the beans, and the beans cry in the kettle. Grown from the same seeds and why boil us so hot.


In the underground conference room, Boss Dai first proposed to use the "dead light A" laser system to destroy the beautiful country's nuclear submarine. The navy said that the beautiful national nuclear submarine has dived into the deep sea lost the target, the situation is extremely crisis. The commander of the Pacific Theater has ordered the commander of the Seventh Fleet to be ready to carry out a nuclear strike in the capital, and the attack submarine has been ordered to attack.


 Who can break this crisis and turn things around? The meeting room was a quiet, at this time the boss Dai looked at me, meaning that you this doctor also say two words, you are not always say the big healing country? Today, I want to see how your Taoist doctor has solved this crisis. You can't drain the water for this nuclear submarine, can you?



Instead of saying speaking, I pinched it with my fingers and whispered in a low voice, " The principle is the same. People have to find the cause of the disease, and then they can cure the disease. The same is the same. At present, the great power is facing the crisis of national destruction, and its symptom is the threat from a nuclear submarine, from the seventh Fleet to the Pacific Command to the Pentagon and finally to the President of the Beautiful States. Need to dialectical distinguish exactly who is behind the bottom of the direct command of the submarine, and then cut off the can to nuclear submarine command threat behind China, the submarine could not receive instructions to nuclear blow to China, the survival, the critical moment not mercy, should be decided, not looking for a needle in a haystack, but to start, to the Pacific theater command first nuclear strike. To turn the tide and turn the tide. This is my way of great healing.” Boss Dai was stunned, the general staff all combat high stunned. Immediately report to the big power boss for approval to immediately launch a pre-emptive strategic nuclear strike against the Pacific Theater Command. After receiving the report, the great power leader immediately ordered the PLA Rocket Force to launch a strategic nuclear strike against the Pacific Theater Command in Hawaii, which was already targeted.




To be continued, please look forward to it


Just a month after the civil war between the great powers and small islands, the plaster country began to change countries.


In the meeting room of the war office of the capital of the plaster country, the prime minister personally attended the meeting and said: " There is a fable of the great country about the competition of the fisherman. Now that the great country is firmly trapped by the island, it is the best time for our great plaster empire to carry out the country exchange plan. As a great country saying goes, kill you when you are sick. Now I announce the......"


This country is really inferior to animals, ruthless as a jackal, snake and scorpion heart vicious extreme. What the prime minister announced was not the march between land and sea and the great power, but the spy agents who had been lurking in the great power for many years to carry out biochemical terrorist attacks against the capital of the great country!



Biochemical terrorist attack plan: On the fifth ring Road on the north side of the great power capital, choose the north wind weather to start the biochemical terrorist attack. On the fifth ring road from east to west, using remote-controlled drones to drop viruses and bacteria. ……


Unfortunately, either the great power think tanks or the experts of all kinds have not been prepared for the worst.


If the civil war is launched against the island, the island army will go underground to preserve its power before the missile falls.


The big country and the island start civil war, just like a son and Lao Tzu fight, will attract neighbors to watch the fun, if one side beat the other side nose drip blood, there will be a lively out to stop the fight and start to pull, if there is a lively to pull the fight, there will be one party to be beaten. It depends on who the onlookers are watching.


The reason why Congress chose the Civil war to start the "Mount Fuji determination" is that this is the best time to kill you. Because the plaster country has already legally immigrated hundreds of thousands of people, and established in the big country to prohibit the Chinese people into the plaster country school inside the long-term secret training, waiting for this day to come, take the opportunity to destroy the economy of the big country. State agents will act a month into the civil war, using drones overnight to strike Chinese nuclear power plants and other plants everywhere, first paralyzing the power system. And the plaster country will send F35 to launch long-range missiles near the mouth of the Yellow River at midnight to damage railways and highway Bridges along the Yellow River. It aims to undermine the logistics needed for the war and to damage the economies of great powers. This is the competition for fishing ducks. The plaster country is effortless, and it has achieved the purpose of changing the country. Be sure to be careful of the plaster country Sao operation.……


Brothers against each other and outsiders, the ten countries for unity. The country will no longer divide the old and the new, and the world of democracy depends on elections.


There is a very irrational, simple and hot voice: " Recovery the island by force.”


This patriotic mood is commendable, and the motivation is understandable. Whether it comes to recovering lost territory or reunification, we must speak a reasonable word.


People should be reasonable, between the government and the people, and between the country and the world.


If a person is selfish and unreasonable, the person will not have many friends. If a government does not serve the people and only know that corruption, corruption and oppression of the people emerge in endlessly, so that the people have no place to reason, then this kind of government is not natural. If a country formulates the legal principles but does not follow the legal principles, and does not follow the legal principles when implementing the national influence on world security events, the country will lose its credibility in the world and be excluded from shame and humiliation.


Taking over or unifying the island, the country has enacted an anti-national secession law. This is a legal principle and needs to be followed. If the island was divided like the Mongols, it would start the unification war to recover the lost territory, and then it would be famous.


At this time, some people will argue that the Mongolian secession and independence have become a fact. When was the standard set for the issue of territorial sovereignty left over from history? Is it unnecessary to negotiate with its neighbors on the territorial issues before the date of independence and founding? Mongolia was established in Greater Mongolia on December 29,1911. Did all the problems before December 29,1911 become historical ones and be admitted and no longer be investigated?


On October 10,1911, the Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Manchu court and established the Wuhan military government changed the name of the Republic of China has been 113 years of history, the brand of the Republic of China is still hanging where, became the old China, and in the old China, the new China to achieve the goal of winner is king. In the Republic of China on September 6,1937, only if the second reunification should be put forward by the Republic of China. Because the Republic of China was not independently divided under the rule of the new China, the new China has not led the old China in history. And the Republic of China of the old China still exists, or China, the establishment of the new China has not changed the name of the country or China, are China, the world recognizes one China. The mainland is just like the rabbit's nest, and Taiwan is just like the grass beside the nest. Nest grass is also the territorial sovereignty of the rabbit nest, no one separated the nest grass from the rabbit nest. It is this simple truth that if the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have to meet by force, what is the purpose? Isn't it all about one country, two systems? Taiwan is the Taiwan of the people of Taiwan, and is it not already promised to implement the existing system of Taiwan? To maintain the current situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and whether Taiwan is independent or divided, is it not one country, two systems? Do you have to baptism Taiwan into the shape of Gaza City and rebuild it? Is it to bomb Taiwan and then send honest officials from the mainland government to receive it? Send the mainland chengguan to maintain order? Does military control force ordinary people in Taiwan to live the same life as on the mainland? And both sides had to suffer numerous deaths and injuries to end the war. After the war, the Taiwan people would be sincerely grateful for their military occupation, celebrate their final liberation and become masters, and then live the same life as the mainland. At this point, someone came out and said that this is not the case, we want one country, two systems, or the Taiwanese to run Taiwan. Since you are still Taiwanese who run Taiwan, what do you mean to attack Taiwan by force? You used reunification as an excuse to launch a civil war. If the excuse of reunification can stand up in this world, have you established Taiwan independently? Has it split out? No independence, no division, what do you unify? Originally the government of the Republic of China was established by others, has 113 years of history, people will be retarded to give you an excuse to change the military attack? No, it never will.


If civil war breaks out tomorrow between the two sides, and the new China, the order of the fight is basically very clear: Japan, the United States, India, Australia, Turkey, Canada, Israel, Vietnam, Britain, Russia.



(three) To be continued, please look forward to it


The third island defense plan made by the military expert advisers around the island leader: arrogance



《 tomorrow 》 —— Author: DaoDoctor


Inside the island camp, there is a military expert from the beautiful country, the military adviser hired by the island leader, who has a Chinese name: Li Qiwu. Is it a little familiar to everyone? The general who on the Korean battlefield was Li Qiwei. Now the military adviser on the island is also a Chinese expert, and he gave himself a Chinese name called Li Qiwu.


The general Li Qiwu not only understands Chinese culture, but also knows Sun Tzu's art of war by heart. Li Qiwu had been on the island for two years, and lived and ate with the petty officers in the army, without the dignity of a general. The soldiers are also very fond of this no shelf foreigner, willing to make friends with him.


After dinner, Li Qiwu chatted with the soldiers in the camp. A small platoon leader asked Li Qiwu, " Hello, ask you a question. If a big country launches a blitz tomorrow, what should we do?"Li Qiwu smiled and answered very well, this question is very good. Defensive positional warfare is not suitable for our situation, the different times, now has reached the era of modern high-tech war, we choose town street warfare, one hundred thousand people are enough. These 100,000 people are scattered throughout the island town, and before the street fighting begins, we invite the news media to the high ground to live broadcast our town battle to the world. Let's fight before the fight, in your Chinese words, this is called the gift before the soldier. If the great power dares to destroy your buildings like the Israeli air strike on Gaza City, it will lose a game in international opinion. We can take ten, and a hundred thousand troops can stop the attack of millions.


At this time, a small monitor interrupted: " Hello, General Li! What can happen if the powerful drones fly over to attack us?"Li Qiwu or smiled, recently came over the two doctors you all know? That is, the electronic warfare elite of the great power of foreign students who have not returned to China after completing their studies. Have you ever heard of a drone forced down by Iran? That's the good thing they did, good steel on the blade, the Pentagon sent these two doctors to you to solve the problem of drone attacks. Rest assured, Doctor can paralyze 50 drones at a time, the electromagnetic distrmer invented by Doctor is no less than the combat power of laser weapons.


One of the new recruits, who had just turned 18 years old, was in awe of the war coming on tomorrow and asked very carefully, " Hello, General Lee! The tonnage of our small warships is not enough. Is there any way to block the warships from the sea?”


Li Qiwu nodded very satisfied, this question was asked well, I will detail this question that everyone is quite concerned about clearly today.


General Li Qiwu very solemnly for you to tell a story of thirty-six plan arrogant, after asking you a word, now you can understand I let you usually show weakness of the truth? Has received the effect, the great army regards you as strawberry soldiers, its arrogant psychology has formed, arrogant will be defeated. As for how to limit the approach of 10,000 tons of warships to the shore, because the tonnage of the ships, other than the port can be close to the anchor, can only anchor three nautical miles from the beachhead, and then put down the army to land in small boats. The island has ten beachheads suitable for landing, our intelligent mines will start to mine after three waves of fire coverage, arranged to the location of the beach, back to transport the wounded and ammunition transport fleet to deadly kill.


The intelligent mine we make now can be like a submarine lurking seven meters in depth, which can automatically identify the enemy and other targets. Our boat drives without any problem, and the big ships will automatically float up and firmly paste to the bottom of the ship and automatically detonate.


"Remember the twelve-word policy we formulated?"We all answered:" of course, remember, to static brake, lure the enemy deep, around the point to fight aid ".""The answer was very good." General Li Qiwu was very happy and excited, and opened his mouth to share his views. War? Victory and defeat is a common matter of soldiers, but you are different, if you lose, you will have to live the same life as them, and dream of the same big country in the daytime. People can live to have a dream, but they can not daydream, self-deception. Even if three major carrier carriers come, can they drive all the way to shore?cannot. Then please remember, where there is a spear and a shield, where there is an attack and a defense. Do you know what the bane of a great power aircraft carrier is? It's a nuclear submarine. It is quietly lurking in the deep sea of the main channel of the aircraft carrier, so do not be afraid of big ships with large tonnage, how big ships are also afraid of submarine nuclear submarines.


General Li Qiwu chatted to the interest, the topic suddenly turned to the Chechen war, asked if you still remember the report of the Chechen war? Only the little platoon leader replied a still remember. General Li Qiwu continued: Israel is the little king of the Middle East, crazy not crazy? It can be said that it has been too arrogant, Gaza City street fighting, causing its own domestic economy suffered heavy losses. Is Ukraine listening badly? An actor insisted for two years almost caught the domestic young men on the battlefield as cannon fodder, not enough soldiers even pregnant women are forced to catch to the battlefield. He will never surrender until he dies. Ukraine and Russia are close to land, and tanks can drive in on a rampage. Ukraine so honest and obedient country to defend the country, not afraid of Russia's strong, just bullet to fight to the end. Your battlefields are a hundred times better than Hamas, and much less armed than Ukraine. The point is that with the sincere support of millions of people, the outbreak of war. A million guns, so that a dark muzzle can stick out of each window.


Great powers exercise on the plains and land, and the fighting power of several modern synthetic brigades can be invincible. There is a problem. The nearest distance between the big country is 72 nautical miles and 135 kilometers. The carrier can reach a maximum of 32 knots per hour, or 60 kilometers per hour. The cruising speed is around 20 knots, or 37 kilometers per hour. The destroyer's speed is usually 30 knots, equivalent to 55 kilometers per hour. Fishing boats generally travel at speeds of about 10 to 12 knots, equivalent to 20 kilometers per hour.72 miles, the mainland can't requisition fishermen fishing boats, because cannot scheduling aircraft carrier destroyers and fishing boats keep fishing sailing speed, maximum can requisition civilian passenger and cargo mixed ships to transport army heavy equipment, but after all is civilian ship without air defense and submarine capability, in the process of war will become a nuclear submarine preferred target.


A nautical mile equals 1,852 meters, and the major navy will sail at an average speed of about 25 knots, taking three hours from the sail to the island. There will be a large number of casualties from the beach landing, and these wounded soldiers can not rescue on the island, because we will evacuate in advance to all the hospitals near the second line of defense 10 kilometers away from the theater.


One hour after the war, the wounded would appear three or four thousand people. Because they could not be timely rescued on the battlefield, they had to organize a stretcher team with the fleet to carry a civilian passenger and cargo ship and quickly return to the great country to rescue the wounded. The civilian boats that carry the wounded took six hours away, and it took time to load and unload the wounded on both sides. It would take an hour to load and unload the wounded, that is, it would take three hours to sail the first morning from the frontier of the great country to the island, wait another hour to pick up the casualties for about 10 am, and it would be two o'clock in the afternoon to return to the great country and unload the wounded. You go to your island to pick up the wounded at 6 p. m., and it's almost dark after loading a large number of them. It was the sea, not the width of the Yangtze River. At night, the sea often blows three or four levels of wind, even if there is no nuclear submarine threat to the civilian ships can be safely sailing back to the big country is lucky. It was already late at night on the second round trip back to the great powers. Are you going to pick up the wounded? With a medical ambulance ship? Where do you stop at it? You don't have long eyes when fighting.


How many ships are used to transport the wounded? A minimum requirement of more than five vessels is required. If the big country prepared 20 carriers responsible for transporting the wounded, need to go back and forth, five carriers as a battlefield transport team, three hours apart a group of transport wounded fleet, like a land bus on time to pick up the wounded. It is also your island speaking of democracy and freedom, and not attacking the fleet carrying the wounded. But the transport ship of weapons and ammunition must be destroyed and sunk.


To lure the enemy deep is not into the island, but into three nautical miles until the great ships approached. The army of a great country is arrogant and confident, and it is not a year or two to underestimate the enemy. After a few live-fire military exercises, I thought I was the best in the world, but I forgot that the target of the exercises was not a real counterattack. So lure the enemy deep and make the great power army think that the three waves of missile and rocket cover have basically destroyed the ground targets of your island. Pride will underestimate the enemy, enemy will defeat, will follow the mistakes of street fighting in Gaza City.


Let's talk about the modern synthetic brigades that the great country is proud of. It seems that a few modern synthetic brigades can cover the world. We need to know that everything in the world is Yin and Yang restrict each other, synthetic travel can not enter the ground, three can not enter the water. It is just the modernization of weapons and equipment created by money. In the past wars or modern wars, people decided the outcome of the war, not weapons. The key is to win the support and support of the people, if lose morale, war is not for the welfare of the people, but let people suffer, finally will completely lose morale and morale, if a corrupt government did to let people suffer, people's children will ease on the battlefield for a corrupt government hard to desperately?


The people will tell their son that you must come back alive. I have also traveled to a big country. When I met a woman chatting, she said, " If I fight a small Japan, I would go to the front, but I would go to the front even if I was not in the army. I would never have fought in a civil war.”


If your island has no power to fight the modern synthetic brigade on land, there are only three steps to consume the fighting power of the synthetic brigade. The first step to lure the enemy, in the sea not intercept let him lightly, until three miles to anchor after landing first fire cover half an hour, beat its spirit, and then use the lure in the process of landing further tactics, let beach line troops must light ammunition can retreat to ten kilometers to the second line of defense. At this time, the composite brigade suffers two blows and declines over and over again, and when the composite brigade is lured into the town to start street fighting, it will be exhausted. Because the news media is webcast the town street battles on your island. The synthetic brigade is invincible, but this time it is in the civilian area, dare to slaughter the city will be completely failed, not strong. If we finally occupy the army and implement the military control, it will become a hot potato, and I will regret not fighting a civil war.


No soldier chess deduction, power whether people launched a civil war, you island a month town street fighting, power will appear more than 20 death, more than 30 wounded situation, finally have to land millions of troops, in addition to more than fifty casualties, the remaining more than forty troops occupy your island and military at the same time. There are two kinds of troubles in street fighting. One is that the gathering of people will bring about a catastrophic disaster, and the other is that they are scattered and will be named by snipers one by one.



(four) To be continued, please look forward to it